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Quintessential Drinks
Andrews International
Cushman Wakefield
Entourage Security
British Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce

Reviewing controls and sealing the gaps

The ubiquitous rise of economic crime and corruption puts even the most diligent businesses at risk. Good intentions and faith in others have little say when you’re victim criminal scheme. Without the right controls in place to mitigate these risks, criminals will remain empowered. They will continue to destroy livelihoods and undermine the strands of a strong society and responsible business culture.

Today Advisory’s health check support reviews business’ anti-bribery and corruption controls. We identify and assess any gaps in these controls that expose the business to risk, and present a formal report of policy recommendations for improvement.

While our corruption policy health check services can be provided as a single offering, they are also included as part of our wider security review services.

Today Advisory’s health check support reviews business’ anti-bribery and corruption controls. We identify and assess any gaps in these controls that expose the business to risk, and present a formal report of policy recommendations for improvement.

While our corruption policy health check services can be provided as a single offering, they are also included as part of our wider security review services.

Risk scope

Economic crime and corruption risks within scope include offences under the laws of England & Wales and include offences of fraud, counterfeiting, human trafficking and smuggling as defined by the Fraud Act 2006, Bribery Act 2010, Asylum and Immigration Act 2004, Sexual Offences Act 2003, Theft Act 1968, Serious Crime Act 2015 and other legislation and Common Law.

Health check methodology

Today Advisory follows a tried and tested structured process for its review methodology.

We begin with the creation of a strategic crime threat and risk assessment (or a review of the client’s equivalent document). This takes account of the UK Strategic Threat Assessment and creates a comprehensive picture of the threats the organisation faces.

This assessment provides a benchmark upon which to assess risk, identify gaps and measure existing and proposed controls. The review process cycle is shown below:


The review of pre-existing policies helps the client to understand if such policies are:

A. Fit for purpose
B. Appropriate to address current risks and
C. Are being followed correctly and used effectively so as to educate and guide employees and minimise risks

We also examine how such policies are used to mitigate risk when dealing with suppliers and other third parties. The process includes one to one interviews to gather information from key people in the organisation, be they from HR, senior management, information security and finance. Click here to read about our expertise in conducting multilingual due diligence and supplier audits.

Contact us for Confidential and Impartial Opinion

If your business will benefit from an independent corruption policy health check report, contact our team of independent consultants to arrange a meeting.

Before we design a programme, our aim is to first fully understand the nature and extent of the threat the organisation faces. Cooperation and openness are fundamental to a comprehensive anti-bribery and corruption policy review and sealing the gaps.

All our work is carried out in strict confidentiality in accordance with signed non-disclosure agreements. Working in partnership with a respected London law firm provides the option to present the client with both recommendations and legal advice.

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